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AllergyWise for Careworkers
Welcome to AllergyWise for Careworkers
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Learning Outcomes
Anaphylactic reactions
What is an allergic reaction?
Types of reaction
Understanding anaphylaxis in adults
What is anaphylaxis?
What makes anaphylaxis so dangerous?
What are the signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis?
Skin reactions
The link with asthma
The treatment of anaphylaxis
Introduction – treatment with adrenaline
Adrenaline injectors – introduction
Administering adrenaline
Using an adrenaline injector in an acute allergic reaction
Dealing with an emergency
Other medications
Patient positioning
What can happen after an allergic reaction
Referral to an allergy specialist
Allergen Exposure
Common causes of anaphylaxis
Other allergic conditions
Food labelling laws
Food allergen avoidance – “may contain..” labelling
Food allergens in non-food products
Long term management of anaphylaxis
Responsibilities of care staff in an acute allergic reaction
Managing severe allergies in adults
Lifestyle choices
Care tasks where allergies could be an issue
Latex allergy in care settings
What might happen…
Cover and temporary staff
Finishing up
Course Assessment
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